Ever wondered why England has no tradition or character, not like the Irish, the Scots and the Welsh? Well, that's because you're in denial about it and should all go to see a shrink. Learn more about Morris Dancing, the unsung hero of English tradition, and the nearest thing we have to a martial art!
Described once, by a very perceptive visitor, as the fairest of Isles, the Isle of Mull is quite possibly exactly that. Not for the average faliraki raver, this island is full of places you want to keep secret that I just had to put them on the net. There is plenty of sun on Mull, but you will come to consider that a hebridean holiday isn't complete without a spot of torrential rain.
Like your monuments to be British, very ancient indeed, with moss and lichen sticking out of every orifice, and more dead residents than alive? Then you could have Binner blood in you. Take a look at the Binner site and discover the least suitable and most disorganised bunch of antiquarians in Britain. Click on the Binner Bus to ride...
Just a bunch of photographs from various trips taken, or things attended. Starting off with the trip the Wayne and I took to Europe.
Legacy Stuff