The Story of the Binners
 In Words and Pictures

Many have binned over the years but those most adept at the Biniscular art are recorded in the following list:

Andy Biggar
Mark Cowper
David Dunham
Neil Dunham
Carl Fleischer
Andy Horwood
Leppo Marxx*
Wayne Lang
Aidan Marsh
Mick O'Sullivan

* For reasons of poncing about, James Arber has asked that his real name be disguised on this website. In respect of James Arber’s wishes, we have changed his name to Leppo Marxx.


Email the Binners

Site maintained by:
David Timothy Dunham
Old Hob Webs

Mark checks his chocolate supply

Carl grins after helping Mark to set up his tent. Unknown to Carl, Mark is checking that his Dairly Milk chocolate mountain reserves haven't been compromised by the rest of the Binners. This pic was taken at Wayland's Smithy last thing before settleing down for the night. If it looks pleasant enough then, you should have seen it in the morning...

A Sack of Shite?

In the years BB - Before Binny - we had to make do with the tools we had to hand. On this particularly dismal Waylands Smithy morning, Dave still managed to lie in for a few hours, even though he had spent the night in the patented Binner 'claustro' bag; known on occasion to reduce Binners to jibbering wrecks.

Packed Lunch with Humphrey

Although Avebury and West Kennet dominated the early Binner years, we did actually managed to get around to a few other venues. This picnick at the Stoney 'Humphrey' Littleton Long Barrow came towards the end of an excellent tour down through the Cotswolds. Neil, James and Dave eat, whilst Mick evacuates his bowels round the back.

Waynes birthday on Snowdon

Binners weren't exlusive to the West Country. This picture, taken on Mount Snowdon, on which we would be camping the night before our final assault on the summit the following day. Later that night, some members of the expedition heard the dreaded Blentagert prowling the mounain, though some slept through it.

Binners get stoned

Heading down to Avebury for a Binner trip became something of a ritual in itself. We would pop into Budgens at Wendover (and the Chemist, for, er, cough! Syrup) and provided it wasn't piddling down, we would visit the blowing stone, a spit away from Uffers.

Steady as He Blows

Wayne gets in on the act as well, after getting someone to take a picture for him. It is said that Alfred gathered called his troups to his side using the stone as a rally horn. Frankly, the best we could get out of it was barely enough to call the rest of the Binners from the van. At least Wayne can say he's played on the same instrument as David Bedford anyway.